The Urimon study:

A study to investigate the changes that occur in the profile of a series of substances during the onset of a serious disease.

The diseases we investigate are cancer (all types), cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack and diseases of the central nervous system such as Parkinson’s disease and MS (Multiple Sclerosis).

The research questions of the study are:

  1. Is it possible to use the profile of a series of substances in blood or urine to get an early warning when a serious disease occurs?
  2. Do the specific changes in the profile of the substances indicate which disease is developing?

The Urimon study is the first step in developing a monitor that monitors someone’s health via blood and/or urine. If we are able to detect a disease earlier, the chance of treatment is often higher and the burden for the patient as well as the healthcare costs are lower. The fact that early diagnosis in certain diseases gives a higher chance of cure, has been investigated and proven for the most common forms of cancer.

Cardiovascular diseases can be detected through preventive research in people who meet risk criteria such as overweight, high cholesterol and stress. Proven treatments such as the usage of blood thinners or beta-blockers and placing stents, are then used to prevent a heart attack or stroke. Screening for neurodegenerative diseases is not yet applied due to its relatively low incidence. However, these diseases are progressive and early detection is important for the treatment and further development of the disease. The incidence is also increasing with the ageing of the population, particularly in the case of Alzheimer disease. For Multiple sclerosis (MS) it is clear that early application of current effective methods inhibits disease progression.

Urimon works with various general practitioners and laboratories throughout the Netherlands. If you would like to know more about our study, please visit or send us a message via the Contact page. We will contact you as soon as possible.